The first Foie Gras protest was held at lunch time on Wednesday as SABATO were busy with lunch time customers. As is becoming the norm one of the staff came out and took photos of everyone that was there. The cops showed up but these ones seemed intelligent enough to realise we had every right to be there.

Saturday saw the start of out anti fur campaign with a protest outside EUM on high st. After briefly opening the store then closed for an hour as they waited for us to leave. After seeing we weren’t leaving they once again opened the store and shortly afterwards they agreed to stop selling fur! Once again another positive result in this campaign.

After the protest outside EUM we returned to SABATO and held a relaxed demonstration talking to passers by and customers. A staff member came out again and took pictures of people at the protest – no doubt to supply to the Threat Assesment Unit which has been harassing animal rights activists since its inception.

The coming week will no doubt see more protests against SABATO, email
animalrightscollective@gmail.com if you are interested in finding out when they are.

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