Thursday, November 6, 2008

Campaign Victory!

AARC has had its first victory in the anti Foie Gras campaign

An Auckland restaurant, The French Cafe, as agreed to remove foie gras from their menu after being given information on the cruel nature of this animal abusing industry. The campaign against foie gras will be moving on to other restaurants and delis serving and stocking this cruel product. Watch this space.

Foie gras is the diseased and fattened liver of ducks and geese, who have been intentionally force feed vast amounts of grain to deliberately cause their liver to swell to ten times their natural size. The ducks or geese are typically kept in large windowless sheds and suffer extreme pain during and after the force feeding process. After just a few weeks of force feeding the birds are in constant agony, unable to breathe properly and suffering from constant diarrhea. The birds are then slaughtered cruelly soon before they would die from sickness and disease.Auckland Animal Rights Collectiveanimalrightscollective[at]

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Anti-Foie Gras Campaign Launched

The Auckland Animal Rights Collective (AARC) is launching a new campaign this Friday against foie gras. This campaign is in addition to the long running Fur Free Auckland campaign that we have been running and will continue in much the same style.

Foie gras is the diseased and fattened liver of ducks and geese, who have been intentionally force feed vast amounts of grain to deliberately cause their liver to swell to ten times their natural size. The ducks or geese are typically kept in large windowless sheds and suffer extreme pain during and after the force feeding process. After just a few weeks of force feeding the birds are in constant agony, unable to breathe properly and suffering from constant diarrhea. The birds are then slaughtered cruelly soon before they would die from sickness and disease.

There are several restaurants and delis selling this disgusting product around Auckland. We will be focusing on the high profile French Café on Symond Street. We have given them information on the cruel nature of the foie gras industry, asking them to remove this product from the menu. There has been no response from them.
Our first protest is this Friday at 7:30pm

When: Friday 7th November Meeting 7.15 Protest starts 7.30
Where: Meeting on corner of symonds street and Mt Eden rd at the carpark

Please bring placards, noise-makers and friends!

For more info email


A new animal rights group has been formed in Auckland to continue the fight to end the exploitation of animals. The ‘Auckland Animal Rights Collective’ will be continuing the Fur Free Auckland campaign as well as organising to build a strong vibrant Animal Rights movement in Auckland. We aim to organise in a non hierarchical manner and to take a fresh creative approach as we advance Animal Rights in Aotearoa.

As part of the Fur Free Auckland campaign we had our first demonstration outside Harrowset Hall and have had many following. For Harrowset Hall we had met the manager of the store in the week prior to the demonstration and provided extensive information about the disgusting truth behind fur products. Despite this they continued to sell factory farmed rabbit fur. We are happy to announce that they, like the many successes due to animal rights in Auckland, have decided not to continue in the unjustifiable sale of fur.

Animals in Fur farms live a tortured existence, living there entire lives in cages barely large enough for them to stretch out. Trapped in cages they go insane pacing back and forth and mutilating themselves and their cage mates. The fur industry is trying to create the image that fur is acceptable and fashionable. Our campaign is about spreading the message that nothing about factory farming is acceptable and that animals are not on this earth for anyone but themselves.

To get involved or find out email: animalrightscollective (at)

Animal Liberation Now!