Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Foie Gras Protest this Saturday

Keep up the pressure on Sabato

The Auckland Animal Rights Collective will be holding a protest against Foie Gras this Saturday outside a Mt Eden shop. This is part of our ongoing campaign to end the sale of Foie Gras in Auckland which has already resulted in several restaurants and stores pledging not to sell it.Please come out this Saturday to show that the sale of Foie Gras is unacceptable.

When: Saturday 28 Feb midday

Where: Sabato, meeting outside 57 Normanby rd Mt Eden

Bring noise-makers!

In the mean time if you feel the need to vent your disgust at the animal abuse involved in the foie gras industry, feel free to call Sabato on (09) 630 8751 or email them at info@sabato.co.nz

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Surprise Protest at Sabato

To step up the pressure on Sabato, AARC activists held a noisy and upbeat demo outside Sabato on Thursday afternoon for over two hours. Sabato are still refusing to remove foie gras from their shelves and have sent a clear message that they care more about profit than animals.

Police were called and two officers showed up reiterating our right to protest. However, they tried to intimidate us by declaring that the use of a megaphone was 'obstruction', if we were to continue using it we would be arrested for 'obstruction'. Knowing our rights and certain case law relating to megaphone use, the police seemed stumped as to what to do. Despite using the megaphone after their warning, no arrests were made.

Keep up the pressure! Come to Saturday's demo against Sabato

When: Saturday 18 Feb midday

Where: Sabato, meeting outside 57 Normanby rd Mt Eden

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Protest against Foie Gras this Saturday

The Auckland Animal Rights Collective will be holding a protest against Foie Gras this Saturday outside a Mt Eden demo. This is part of our ongoing campaign to end the sale of Foie Gras in Auckland which has already resulted in several restaurants and stores pledging not to sell it.

Please come out this Saturday to show that the sale of Foie Gras is unacceptable.

When: Saturday 18 Feb midday

Where: Sabato, meeting outside 57 Normanby rd Mt Eden

Foie Gras is the diseased liver of birds that have been force feed for months usually in factory farms. During the force feeding process the birds are in constant pain with many left gasping for air and unable to move due to the amount of food they are force fed. Many cities and states around the world have banned the sale of Foie Gras.

To keep up to date with AARC check http://aucklandanimalrightscollective.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Foie Gras Protest this Saturday

Hey all we will be continuing our campaign to make Auckland Foie Gras free with a protest outside Sabato in Mt Eden. The demo will be held at 12pm (lunchtime) on Saturday 14th Feb outside Sabato in Mt Eden. Please come along and stand up for the thousands of ducks and geese tortured and killed every year for the production of Foie Gras

The protest on saturday will be aimed at encouraging Sabato to take the compassionate option and stop selling Foie Gras as well as pushing the wider animal rights message.

When: 12pm Saturday

Where: Sabato, meeting outside 57 Normanby rd Mt Eden

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Report from Sabato protest

Today we held another protest outsid Sabato, a Mt Eden deli which sells a lot of Foie Gras. The owners seemed less arrogant and confident this week staying inside the store for the demonstration. The turnout was really good with about 12 people by the end of the protest and in between angry chanting people were chatting and the atmosphere was rather relaxed.

I think the owners of the store may have thought we would have gotten bored after our first protest or that the police last week might have put us off. Rest assured we will be protest against Sabato until they remove Foie Gras, whether that is weeks months or longer.

The plan is to have the next protest outside Sabato next week on saturday at midday though I'm sure someone will update the blog closer to the time.